About us ...
We are convinced,
society needs Room for dialogue and values!
With «ethik22»
build informed Perspectives - gain social ethical insights
on issues that effect our day.
We HEAR people saying ...
"I don't have time to research the background facts on current issues." Regular guest (25) of a Restaurant in Canton Schwyz.
"I just don't see how the values I learned as a child fit in this complex globalised World." Woman (40+) on the train.
"Where and with whom can I engage in deeper discussion about the social ethical dimension of current issues?" Diabetes Consultant (55)
We want to engage in DIALOGUE with you ...
about things that move and effect us.
to build informed Perspectives on complex social issues.
to explore how to act ethically in our daily lives.
We offer Room for Dialog in three forms:
Electronic: eNewsletter our electronic Room for Dialogue
Print: «ethik22 - the Magazine» our new print Room for Dialog
ethikCafé Face to face opportunities to meet and discuss
Public Events Speeches, Workshops, Projects
- Public Statements by being a social ethical voice in society